
Total Officials Involvement "TOI", overwhelming Me than Expected. GC

TOI The birth of the TOI program in Gambela SDA field or SDA Gambela District seems denounced as many forget the "Total Officials Involvement" program will work to bring dramatic change and development for Churches Development and Gospel generally. It was begun in OLIVE SDA Church and now dispersed promptly into the whole District, many members, and churches overwhelming for drastic commitment and Fundraising.

It was on 25/1/2020 GC at "Bethlehem local Church" in Gambela town when I have seen the true "spirit and faiths of members" to pick out "thousands of coins" from their pockets for the Church Building Project within 20 mins just an amazing.

I was surprised for the and I remembered that "Inspiring Moves" the Holy Spirit is behind the scene as well. This Program can change churches for quarter half decades, if functioned, will turns SDA Gambella Field to be prosperous house "God's House". I have recommended "TOI" to all of you, who want to work for our God in those harshly times, the end time and please you're welcome to join wonderful fundraising and the Churches development Project (TOI), the "SDA Total Official Involvement." Please, share your least coins with God's people. And May God bless the members, leaders, and All of us.!! Amen!

Eng. Tutlam Chuol Thong

Gambela District Communication Dept, Gambela SDA Field.
