A Human Mind is a Cosmos. Proves or Disproves it.
According to findings of Astronomy, Physics, and Cosmology Studies, our Universes we see from one horizon to horizons is volatile and dynamic easily gone like a vapor and mist. Universe is created appear in real and untouchable. Some part of it see by naked eyes. The other parts of it were seen by Hubble Extreme Deep Field etc (David Nathaniel, 1897) . Many Scholars are underway preparing to study vast universes. They discovered several parts of the universe but a deep parts of them are not yet discovered. Many Astrophysics scientists are still investigating to explore its vast curiously. The social scientists described human minds in studies; it seems like universe acts volatile and dynamize and creates the virtual reality of imaginery. Many parts have described by Pyschologists, Philosophers, and Neurologists and found it is very complex and is deep mentally. Off Course, mind is bind up of conscious and unconscious (subconscious minds) cortex. All of these minds entities, the se...