
Translation Validation (Nuer)

  The hard work of our teams to accomplish the Translation Validation in three communities starting on October 18-25, 2022. The experts and officials were invited to participate in validation. I have appreciated our Team Leader Dr. Moges for his insights, hardworking, and proactive in leading the teams to that success.  I am looking forward to the other opportunities!! Engineer Tut Lam Chuol Thong

A Human Mind is a Cosmos. Proves or Disproves it.

According to findings of Astronomy, Physics, and Cosmology Studies, our Universes we see from one horizon to horizons is volatile and dynamic easily gone like a vapor and mist. Universe is created appear in real and untouchable. Some part of it see by naked eyes. The other parts of it were seen by Hubble Extreme Deep Field etc (David Nathaniel, 1897) . Many Scholars are underway preparing to study vast universes. They discovered several parts of the universe but a deep parts of them are not yet discovered. Many Astrophysics scientists are still investigating to explore its vast curiously. The social scientists described human minds in studies; it seems like universe acts volatile and dynamize and creates the virtual reality of imaginery. Many parts have described by Pyschologists, Philosophers, and Neurologists and found it is very complex and is deep mentally. Off Course, mind is bind up of conscious and unconscious (subconscious minds) cortex. All of these minds entities, the se...

#World Development Information Day#

McTechi Computer Software Entreprise! Did you know that 24 October is World Development Information Day? Let's celebrate the rapid growth of technology, the significance of its access to all individuals, and its role in fueling development and growth. Did you know that #24 October 2020# is world Dvelopment Information Day? "Join us in Celebration for this Amazing Revolutionary". Like Charles Koa, Young Scientist who invented Fibre & Optical Network. etc. . This article is written by Eng. Tutlam Chuol Thong; McTechi CSE Executive Director

" Digital Total Members Involvement (TMI)" has been three days old.

Lose None! Bring One! You are invited to attend Digital TMI in Gambella SDA field at three selected station. 1. Olive Central Church 2. Gambella University Square 3. Depot Market You have to know where your local church is if you're in Gambella A. Olive Central Church for Olive, Mal, and Baro Mado. B. Gambella University Square for 1) Eden church, Jordan, Judiya K and DHS. C. Depot Market for 1) Depot Church, 2) Kubriy, 3) Bethlehem Church. But if you're not in Gambela town please, follow us through Social Media and others means of communication. God first! Read Mathew 6: 33 which says, seek first the kingdom of God, All will be given to you which are efficient and effective to God's kingdom . At the end of this program, there will be baptism and don't forget. An information is all about facts. From Gambella SDA Communication Dept.
Happy New year (2013), Ethiopian New Year It has been my little joy. The McTechi Computer Software Enterprise "encourages young people to discover their outer scope." to serve community and the society. Einstein is right to say "every body is genius. You're not stupid if you take a leap or climb."

At Nobel Show

"International Day of Women and Girls in Science and Technology." During her Economics Nobel Prize Win Cermonny in Norway, Oslo, Esther Duflo stated during Ceremony, "I don't even know there is what so-called economics even in my class. But I knew I want to change something in this world". like Marie Curie, Addy, and Esther Duflo, etc. . Please, my country and community girls and women, increase your motivation and engagement in science and technology just like rest of the world. This article is written by Eng. Tutlam Chuol Thong; McTechi CSE Executive Director

Kubriy SDA

SDA Worldwide Special Event Christian Home and Marriage Week on 8-15/2/2020 GC As it is within the Calendar of Conference and Division as well, on 8 - 15 February 2020 is date mark the Christian Home and Marriage Week . program We are all invite Share the program physically, and Spiritually. At SDA Kubri Church, Gambela town the women Ministries were invited and they will arrange and take numerous prayers. Let us present our compassionate prayers and God bless You! An information from Communication Dept, SDA Gambella District, 2020 Written by: Eng.Tutlam Chuol Thong For further information contact thru: 0945533662